NDIS Service Agreement

NDIS Support Coordination Service Agreement

This agreement has been produced for Participants when entering into a Support Coordination Service Agreement with Helix Support Services

Defined Terms

Helix Support Services

Helix Support Services Pty Ltd is the trading name of Helix support services (ABN 28 665 389 015) (ACN 665 389 015)

Helix Support Services delivers its support coordination services under this Service Agreement

exclusively through Helix support services Pty Ltd (ABN 28 665 389 015)).


The National Disability Insurance Scheme is called the NDIS and was established under the NDIS Act. The National Disability Insurance Agency ( NDIA ) is the organisation which manages the NDIS.

The NDIS aims to:

  • support the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability; and

  • enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.


In this Service Agreement, you will be called the Participant . This may refer to you, as a Participant in the NDIS, or your NDIA appointed Nominee.


The Plan is the written agreement between the Participant and the NDIA which sets out your goals and needs as a Participant and those supports and resources the NDIA will provide funding for, to help you achieve those goals. The Plan is personal to you, as a Participant and may be revised or reviewed by the NDIA.


This Service Agreement, including any supporting documents and all details set out in the Particulars, is between Helix support services and the Participant.

End Date

The Service Agreement will operate for the duration of time Helix support services provides support coordination services to you, as the Participant.

When your Plan comes to an end or is reviewed by the NDIA or is otherwise terminated early by giving notice, this date will become the End Date of this Service Agreement.

Where a new or reviewed Plan is issued to you by the NDIA, Helix support services will request that you enter into a new Service Agreement with us.

Notice to end the Service Agreement may be given by either the Participant or Helix support services providing the other party with 30 days written notification. This must be done either by pre-paid post or email, sent to the nominated addresses for notice, set out in the Particulars.

In the event of a serious breach of the Service Agreement by either party, the notice period of termination will be waived.

The NDIS and this Service Agreement

This Service Agreement sets out how Helix support services will deliver its support coordination services to you.

We will verify your Plan details via the NDIS Portal and will provide our services in line with your Plan details recorded in the NDIS Portal.

Helix Support Service’s Responsibilities

We agree to deliver support coordination services such as:

  • reviewing the provision of your supports at not less than quarterly intervals;

  • providing supports that meet your needs at your preferred times (where reasonable and possible); and

  • providing services in accordance with the service descriptions.

Helix support services uses service descriptions and pricing structures set out in the published NDIS Price Guide (from time to time) and applies them as directed by the NDIS Act and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law, when delivering its services to you under this Service Agreement.

We also seek to deliver a positive support coordination experience and will:

  • protect your privacy and confidential information in accordance with the Helix support services Privacy Policy

  • communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner;

  • treat you with courtesy and respect and deliver our services in a fair, equitable and transparent manner;

  • consult you on decisions regarding how supports are provided;

  • facilitate arrangements for your Advocate (as defined under the NDIS) if you are affected by a complaint or incident and wish to be independently supported in that process by an Advocate;

  • maintain accurate records regarding the supports delivered to you;

  • provide you with information about managing any complaints or disagreements with providers (including the details of their cancellation policy, if relevant); and

  • listen to your feedback and resolve problems as quickly as is reasonable to do so. However, please note that Helix Support Services, and its Support Coordinators are not able to:

  • act as an Advocate for you, however further information on disability advocacy and finding a disability Advocate can be found at www.ndiscommission.gov.au/ participants/disability-advocacy and disabilityadvocacyfinder.dss.gov.au/disability/ ndap/ ;

  • provide you with case management services; or

  • provide you with any transport in a private vehicle owned by Helix Support Service or one of its employees.

COVID-19 Measures

Helix Support Service’s ongoing focus is to ensure a safe environment for our participants and employees so we can continue to deliver our services. In doing so, we will ensure the following:

  • all of our team members who are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 under relevant State, Territory or Federal public health orders or directions are fully vaccinated;

  • Helix Support Service will deliver its services to participants in accordance with any relevant State, Territory or Federal public health order or directions in place from time to time;

  • Helix Support Service will embrace delivering our services to participants using various modes of communication, including in-person visits, telehealth services or written communications. However, where COVID-19 transmission risk remains of concern to Helix Support Service, we retain the right to exercise our absolute discretion regarding the mode of communication we will utilise to deliver our services in the safest way possible for our participants.

Participant Responsibilities

As the Participant under this Service Agreement, you agree to:

  • inform us immediately if your Plan is suspended or replaced by a new Plan or you stop being a Participant in the NDIS;

  • before engaging providers or receiving any additional supports outside of your Plan’s approved services, verify with us the availability of funds in your NDIS budget;

  • communicate to Helix Support Service as to how you wish the supports to be delivered;

  • bring to our attention any concerns you have about the supports being provided;

  • treat Helix Support Service and all our staff with courtesy and respect;

  • Helix Support Service disclosing your personal information to third parties in order to assist with the implementation of your Plan, which includes those agencies as set out in the Particulars, and at all times in accordance with the Helix Support Service Privacy Policy;

  • if required for regulatory or auditing purposes, be contacted to discuss our services and have your records reviewed by relevant third parties;

  • receive documents and updates electronically. You may contact us at any time if you do not wish to receive these electronically; and

  • receive direct marketing material from us. You may contact us at any time if you do not wish to receive this material.

COVID-19 Participant Obligations

When requesting in-person services under this Service Agreement, you agree to inform Helix Support Service immediately if:

  • you, or a member of your household feel unwell with a sore throat, cough or fever;

  • you have recently been exposed to COVID-19 or have visited a listed COVID-19 exposure site;

  • you have recently come into contact with a person who has been diagnosed to have COVID-19;

  • you are required to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19; or

  • you have travelled interstate or overseas recently.

In these circumstances, Helix Support Service will contact you to discuss alternative service delivery options to ensure we can still support you.

Fees for Supports

From the Start Date, we will provide and invoice the NDIA, you or your Plan Manager (as the case may be) for the support coordination services we provide to you, at the rates set out in the Particulars under Supports .

As part of your Supports, charges may also apply to Helix Support Service’s delivery of these services, which can include:

  • for any travel required to attend or depart from any site or home visit, Helix Support Service will charge for 30 minutes of the relevant hourly rate (as set out in the Particulars) for each direction travelled, and will also charge a once only fee of $50.00 per plan to cover non-labour travel costs;

  • for each report required to be submitted to the NDIA, Helix Support Service will utilise up to 3 hours to prepare the report and this will be charged at the relevant hourly rate; and

  • for any onsite meeting that is cancelled by you with less than 24 hours notice to us, Helix Support Service will charge a cancellation fee, calculated as being 30 minutes of the relevant hourly rate.

Should the NDIA amend any rates associated with Helix Support Service’s services, Helix Support Service will automatically update its fees in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide. No action will be required by you.

Goods and Services Tax

For the purposes of the GST Act (A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth)), the parties confirm that:

  • a supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included under subsection 33(2) of the NDIS Act, in your Plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;

  • your Plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the supports are provided; and

  • you will immediately notify us if your Plan is replaced by a new Plan or you stop being a participant in the NDIS.

On this basis, the services provided by Helix Support Service under this Service Agreement shall be deemed to be GST-free.

Service Agreement Changes

If any material amendments to this Service Agreement are required, Helix Support Services shall notify you in writing of the changes and these shall be considered accepted by you, unless you otherwise notify us in writing, within 7 calendar days.

Feedback, Complaints and Disputes

To provide feedback or make a complaint, you may contact us via the following methods:

  • call: 0466 237 955

  • email: Karmen@helixsupport.com

  • mail: Suite 2036, 8 Hughes Street, Gateshead NSW 2290

In the event that a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you may contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 or via a complaint form on their website at www.ndiscommission.gov.au .

Further information is also available at www.ndis.gov.au

to ensure a coordinated approach to support service delivery, with all parties focused on the achievement of the Participant’s goals. This may include the disclosure of your personal information where necessary, but at all times in accordance with the Helix Support Services Privacy Policy

Schedule of Support

Helix Support services will provide the following Supports, as follows and at the rates set out below or as varied by this Service Agreement under the section Fees for Supports :

Support Item

Support Item Reference Number

Per unit cost

Support Connection



Coordination of Supports



Psychosocial Recovery Coaching  



Training in Plan and Financial Management



To acknowledge your acceptance of these terms and conditions, please complete the Services Agreement signature panel (as set out below) and return the signed version to your Helix Support Services appointed Support Coordinator.


The Participant agrees to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.

The Participant has had the contents of the Helix Support Services Service Charter, Rights and Obligations and Complaints Management Process explained to them, by their Helix Support Services appointed Support Coordinator (details below).

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